RB-2104M Synthetic Emulsion Adhesive

RB-2104M Synthetic Emulsion Adhesive

An excellent water-borne synthetic vinyl acetate emulsion for single face litho lamination. Has clean machining, excellent wet tack, dries clear, good mileage per wet lb.

Product Description

An excellent water-borne synthetic vinyl acetate emulsion for single face litho lamination. Has clean machining, excellent wet tack, dries clear, good mileage per wet lb. For roll coater application; designed for use on adhesive foaming equipment or can be used unfoamed.

Typical Physical Properties

Viscosity…………………….……. 1,300-1,500 cps
pH…………………………………… 4.0-6.0
Solids………………………………. 51%
Spindle ……………………….…… #4@20rpm

Handling & Storage

Diluent:                          Water, if required. Use as received.
Clean up:                       Water.
Storage container:    Store in a cool, dry area. Product should not be stored in direct sunlight. Product should not be used after freezing.

Components contained in this product conform to USDA and FDA regulations for use in food packaging, as stated in the Federal Food and Drug and Cosmetic Act, Title 21 under section 175 – 105. This guarantee is also intended to comply with USDA’s “Policy Governing Inspection of Packaging Materials”..

Note: The data presented is based upon tests believed to be reliable; however, RapidBond, Inc. does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness. RapidBond, Inc. assumes no responsibility for results obtained or for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this data.

RapidBond, Inc, LLC Guarantee

If any product is defective in workmanship or materials, RapidBond, Inc. LLC will replace the product, or refund the full purchase price. This warranty is in place of all other warrants, expressed or implied, and all implied warrants of a product for an intended use shall be solely up to the user. RapidBond, Inc. assumes no liability for consequential damages. Its liability shall in no event exceed the purchase price of materials_supplied by it.

RB-2104M Synthetic Emulsion Adhesive

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