RB-SRA Starch Reduction Additive

RB-SRA Starch Reduction Additive

RapidBond, Inc™ RB-SRA is revolutionary new starch reduction additive, allowing the use of low solids adhesives while maintaining excellent green and final adhesive bond capabilities.

Product Description

RapidBond, Inc™ RB-SRA is revolutionary new starch reduction additive, allowing the use of low solids adhesives while maintaining excellent green and final adhesive bond capabilities. It has show improved performance on a variety of challenging substrates. RapidBond, Inc™ RB-SRA can be used in conjunction with WRA to provide water resistance.


  • Lower starch consumption by up to 35%
  • Eliminates dry and brittle board
  • Improved bond on difficult substrates
  • Reduced board warp
  • Lower adhesive costs
  • Very stable as supplied
  • FDA approved

Typical Physical Properties

Solids…………………………………………… 45%
pH……………………………………………….. 6
Weight per Gallon………………………… 8.7
Appearance………………………………….. Milky White
Viscosity as Supplied…………………….. 100 cP

RapidBond, Inc™ , LLC Technical Support Team is available to provide assistance with the formulation of all our products.

RapidBond, Inc, LLC Guarantee

If any product is defective in workmanship or materials, RapidBond Inc, LLC will replace the product, or refund the full purchase price. This warranty is in place of all other warrants, expressed or implied, and all implied warrants of a product for an intended use shall be solely up to the user. RapidBond Inc, assumes no liability for consequential damages. Its liability shall in no event exceed the purchase price of materials supplied by it.

RB-SRA Starch Reduction Additive

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